Sunday, August 4, 2013

Shark Hipster


It's that time of year again. The time when all my friends send me a zillion shark memes on Facebook. The time when I am glued to the television and subsequently, the couch. The time of year when I, along with millions of others, celebrate my favorite animal of all time. That's right, it's Shark Week!

Each day of Shark Week 2013 I am going to share with you as much insight and love as I can so that you too will gain an understanding and hopefully an appreciation for these beautiful creatures. Every day is going to feature something new so be sure to check back each day! It's going to be an amazing week and I hope that by the end of it we will have saved a few more sharks from an untimely and barbaric death.

Shark Photo of the Day

The beautiful and majestic Whale Shark.
Check out more of these amazing photos here. I love art that supports a good cause!

Shark Week Schedule for the Day (Discovery Channel)

Bold indicates New Program for 2013
Times are Mountain Time

10:00 AM - Air Jaws: Sharks of South Africa
11:00 AM - Air Jaws II: Even Higher
12:00 PM - Ultimate Air Jaws
1:00 PM - Summer of the Shark
2:00 PM - Shark Week's 25 Best Bites
3:00 PM - Mythbusters
4:00 PM - Shark Fight
5:00 PM - How Jaws Changed the World
6:00 PM - World's Scariest Animal Attacks
7:00 PM - Shark Week's Impossible Shot
8:00 PM - Great White Highway
9:00 PM - Air Jaws: Countdown to Shark Week 2013
10:00 PM - Megaladon: The Monster Shark Lives
12:00 AM - Shark After Dark

Shark Story of the Day

I like to consider myself a shark hipster. Even though Shark Week has been around longer than I've been alive, I loved sharks long before I realized there was an entire week dedicated to them. People always ask me why I love sharks so much and I've always told them that I remember reading a book about them in sixth grade and being completely fascinated and it all took off from there. But recently I started thinking about it and I had to have liked sharks BEFORE that otherwise why would I have picked up the book from the library in the first place? I've loved sharks for a really long time. It's probably the mermaid gene in me. My love of the water and my love of sharks seem to compliment each other quite nicely!

In 2009 I saw a documentary called Sharkwater that completely changed my life. I was sitting in my dorm room and tears were flowing down my face. I remember running to my friend's room across the hall, while crying, and screaming, "They're killing sharks!" After that it became my mission to stop shark finning and save the sharks from that terrible fate. I do anything that's within my power, which unfortunately isn't much. Basically I do what I'm doing right now. I spread the word. I tell everyone I know to watch Sharkwater. I bring up the topic of shark finning and how killing sharks will eventually kill us too!

I encourage all of you to take an interest in the preservation of sharks. You can start by checking out my Shark page on this blog. You can even watch the entire documentary of Sharkwater there. There are so many simple things you can do to help. First and foremost - educate yourselves. Knowledge breaks the fear. Then spread the word. Let everyone know what's going on. You never know who might be the one to change the fate of sharks everywhere! You can also do something as simple as signing a petition or two. always has something you can sign to help out!

I hope you all enjoy Shark Week! Keep in mind the reason Shark Week exists is to raise awareness of the situation at hand, so be AWARE!

Shark Shirt of the Day

Shark Object of the Day

This is Meg, short for Megalodon! She is huge! Almost as tall as me! I sleep with Meg every night. I take her on vacations, camping, hotels, everywhere. After sleeping with her for over a year she got really dirty. I didn't want to throw her in the washer and have it ruin her, so my mom cut her open pulled out the stuffing and threw her in the washer! She stuffed her back up, sealed her with velcro, and now she looks good as new! I love her so much! <3

Shark Fact of the Day

Galeophobia is the excessive fear of sharks.
It comes from the Greek word "galeos", which was a particular type of shark.

Shark Art of the Day

Shark Girl

Shark Meme of the Day

Shark Treat of the Day

RAWR! This shark is enjoying a lovely meal of watermelon chum!
This was actually a lot easier to make than I thought it would be. :)

Shark Want of the Day

I cannot explain to you how much I desire this ring.
I am coveting so hard right now.

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